Santa Fe Classes

Basic Extremities
with Christina Montes de Oca
Fri/Sat February 7&8 9am-6pm
In Person in Santa Fe, NM
No prerequisite
This class introduces principles and concepts of Ortho-Bionomy® and basic non-force positioning techniques for working with the arms and legs, addressing shoulders, elbows, hands, wrists, hip joint, knees, ankles and feet.
Cost: $295 before February 1, 2025
$350 thereafter
Credit: 16 NCBTMB CEs #151411-00
16 Ortho-Bionomy Program units
Basic Spine
with Christina Montes de Oca
Fri/Sat March 21&22, 2025 9am-6pm
In Person in Santa Fe, NM
No prerequisite
This class introduces principles and concepts of Ortho-Bionomy® and basic non-force positioning techniques for working with the spine. pelvis and ribcage.
Cost: $295 before March 7, 2025
$350 thereafter
Credit: 16 NCBTMB CEs #151411-00
16 Ortho-Bionomy units

Phase 5
with Christina Montes de Oca
Fri/Sat April 25&26 9am-6pm
In Person in Santa Fe, NM
Prerequisite 1 Basic class
Phase 5 reflex techniques evolve the approach presented in Phase 4 Basics. By learning to sense held tension patterns both physically and energetically, students learn how to support emerging self corrective responses as they are happening. Students build subtle contact skills, timing, grounding and presence while practicing this approach with different bodily structures.
Cost: $295 before April 11, 2025
$350 thereafter
Credit: 16 NCBTMB CEs #151411-00
16 Ortho-Bionomy Program units