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Education, acknowledgements and and credentials


I hold a BA from McGill University in  Montreal, PQ Canada . My concentration there was in the area of cognitive psychology and linguistics and was an early exposure for me to the links between mind and body through its anatomy and physiology. Next on the path was starting to study Tai Chi in the later 70's in Athens, Ohio and then attending a massage school in Columbus Ohio in 1980. There was also an osteopathic medical school in Athens. So it was at that time, in the early 80's I started to learn about the body and healing work through  massage — a Swedish style in the William Kellogg tradition, snippets of osteopathy via friends studying at the medical school, and through Tai chi practice.

In the early 80's I started visiting Santa Fe, NM and was introduced to Ursula Hofer who was practicing and teaching Ortho-Bionomy. For me Ortho-Bionomy  linked the interests I had begun to develop about the body, its structure and energy.

I was licensed as an LMT in 1982, and certified as a Practitioner of Ortho-Bionomy in 1987. I have had the good fortune to study Ortho-Bionomy with a number of early teachers of Ortho-Bionomy as well as with Arthur Lincoln Pauls, the founder.I give gratitude and acknowledgement to Ursula Hofer, Luann Overmyer and Kathy Kain for their guidance at different stages of the process. After moving to Santa Fe in the late 80's I continued my Advanced Practitioner training and different levels of Instructor training . I was certified as an Advanced Practitioner in 1991, and as an Advanced Instructor in 2000.

Thanks to Ursula Hofer , Lee Cartwright and Kathy Kain I have been educated about the biological model of trauma, learning which has markedly benefited my work both as a practitioner and teacher. Between 1992 and 2000, I studied Tai Chi and Ba Gua Zhang with Sifu Zhou Rong Quintsai. I completed a foundation level training in Craniosacral Biodaynamics with Scott Zamurut in 2009.  And in 2006 I began to study SourcePoint Therapy with Robert Schrei and Donna Thomson, completing the basic training in 2013.

My ongoing learning includes classes with Ursula Hofer in cranial work and topics related to the nervous system, SourcePoint classes with Bob and Donna, and chi gung practice at home.

I continue to teach Ortho-Bionomy classes, helping to train Practitioners,  Instructors,  others who are interested in the work.






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